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Windsor Brokers, a Forex and CFD Investment Firm, continues CSR activities with participation in the 5th Charity Dragonboat Challenge

The 5th Charity Dragonboat Challange “Paddle for Children” took place on July 1st at the beautiful Limassol Marina with a participation of more than 18 organizations. As an industry leader in Forex and CFD trading, Windsor Brokers was there with a large team of volunteer paddlers who together managed to clinch 2nd place trophy.

Marketing Manager Sam Prath commented: “Children are the bedrock of any family and Windsor Brokers’ DNA is all about family. This charity event was all about giving back to children and we are truly happy to be a part of such a noble and fun event. We would like to congratulate the organizers “Funraising” on their efforts, and the Windsor Brokers paddling team on winning 2nd place”.

The 5th Charity Dragonboat challenge was part of Windsor’s CSR for 2018 and one of several philanthropic initiatives which aim to assist children and young adults.

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