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As part of Windsor Brokers’ 2017-18 ‘Together We Can’ Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) campaign, the company is joining forces with the Rotaract Club of Limassol Berengaria Cosmopolitan for Rock Aid 2017.

Rock Aid aims to raise funds to build a school in the village of Milimani Juja, as well as raise awareness regarding illiteracy issues in Kenya.

The school, which will be part of the St Cecilia Redemption Centre, will be able to host up to 70 children. Adult residents of the village will also be able to attend the school during the afternoons and evenings, where they will learn to read and write, as well as acquire new skills to increase their employment opportunities.

Asked about Rock Aid, Windsor Brokers CEO Johny Abuaitah commented “We are delighted to be the main sponsor of this event…we believe that through education people have greater opportunities for a better future. Rock Aid, is an initiative which seeks to make a real difference in the lives of Kenyan children and adults through education, and is in line with our overall CSR mission.”

Rock Aid 2017 will take place at Ravens Music Hall in Limassol on 15 November 2017 with local rock band Minus One set to perform on the evening. All net proceeds of the event will be donated towards building the school.