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The award marks an important milestone in the Company’s strategy to reach business excellence and receive recognition for its outstanding research practices

Windsor Brokers, a global provider of Forex and CFD brokerage services, was awarded “Best Forex Research Team Cyprus” prize by Business Vision world. It is an important achievement for Windsor Broker’s research team, for whom financial market analysis is paramount. The team is proud of this award as professional appreciation is among the top rewards the Company can get.

The award recognizes the best performing research teams across the Forex industry that achieve excellence in their field by developing comprehensive market research tools, advanced educational programs, and high-quality analysis.

Slobodan Drvenica, the Chief Analyst at Windsor Brokers, commented on the achievement – “We have noticed that traders’ and investors’ requirements have diversified and the need for a safer trading environment is vital for their success. Thus, we see it fit to innovate by researching the industry and provide our clients and prospective ones with outstanding market analysis. Our aim is to deliver exceptional material that exceed our traders’ expectations while supporting their investment targets, trading style, and risk tolerance. We are committed to retain our industry lead and take Forex research to new heights”.

Windsor Brokers is well known for their five stars expertise in the Forex industry. The Forex research team frequently publishes extensive reports to update and further educate traders on the latest market trends. The research team’s dedication can also be seen as part of the Company’s continued commitment to promoting market analysis to traders in all parts of the world.