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On Saturday 28 October, Windsor employees gathered by the Limassol beach to participate in our Company’s annual team building event, The Wild Outing 2017.

Employees were divided into teams representing different wild animals and competed in different physical and rational thinking battles on the sand. Team members’ cooperation and communication skills were put to the test, with the Hippos prevailing in the end to be crowned the Wild Champions 2017.

Speaking at the event, our CEO Johny Abuaitah stated, “Such events underpin just how much of a tight-knit family we are, and how the sense of unity throughout Windsor is vital to achieving growth and our future goals…with our company soon approaching 30 years in operation, I’m also very happy to see the Windsor family growing, with new talent and fresh ideas coming on board.

Today we have once again demonstrated that our team-driven culture is what keeps us inspired and engaged, always leading to quality relationships amongst us, as well as with our clients. We will continue being a broker firm with values, one where employees are family and where clients’ needs always come first.”

During the event, Windsor employees also got a sneak peek of what’s in store for our Company’s 30th anniversary in 2018. So, make sure to stay tuned!